Every effort has been made to remove all external dependencies from this source code, so you should be able to build it by just calling make. Notably,
the PETSc and SLEPc dependencies in the original Cubica release have been removed. The build has been tested on
both OSX Yosemite and Ubuntu 12.
By default, the code is set up to build on OSX. If you want to build on Ubuntu, copy the file projects/common.linux.inc to projects/common.inc. OpenMP
is also disabled by default, in case your system does not support it. In order to enable it, open include/SETTINGS.h and set the macros
Once you have built the code, the following toolchain will reproduce the Hand example in the 2015 paper (Figs. 5 and 7).
./bin/ConvertTetGen ./cfg/chand.fullsim.0.cfg
./bin/RigMesh ./cfg/chand.fullsim.0.cfg
./bin/TransformDisplacements ./cfg/chand.training.cfg
./bin/ComputeBasis ./cfg/chand.training.cfg
./bin/PartitionedInternalForceCubature ./cfg/chand.training.cfg
./bin/SCFCubature ./cfg/chand.training.cfg
./bin/PartitionedHybridSim ./cfg/chand.run.cfg
The fullsim.sh script will take the longest, because it generates all the fullspace training data. On our systems, it runs for roughly an hour. The last line executes the technique from the 2015 paper,
and the second to last line computes the self-collision cubature from the 2014 paper.